Artist of the Month September 2021
Date: 27/07/2021
Place: Studio Frischmann, Friedrichstraße 17, 90762 Fürth
It’s a sunny Tuesday afternoon, and I am on my way to meet up with Julia Frischmann. A flyer for her latest art exhibition at Atelier Sohler in Fürth, which took place in March 2020, caught my eye. After rediscovering the flyer, I visited her Facebook site and Instagram profile. She agreed to be interviewed for English Post and invited me to visit her in her studio in Fürth, where she is currently working.
Lydia: Hi Julia, thanks for picking me up and for the invitation. I haven’t been here for almost one year. The last time I visited the studios in this house was during the art weekend Gastspiel 2020 in Fürth.
Julia Frischmann: I am delighted to welcome you to my studio today and to be able to talk about my art.
Lydia: And I am really looking forward to learning more about you and your work. Let’s start with the question and answer game:

Portrait ©Uwe Muehlhaeußer
1) Are you a night owl or an early bird?
Julia Frischmann: I used to be more of a night owl. Since the start of the lockdowns I developed more into an early bird.
2) Where do you get your inspiration for your art from?
Julia Frischmann: Everything we experience, visuals, feelings, sounds and smells we store like a sponge, at least that’s what I believe. So it’s all about finding a way to “distil” or “transform” these impressions. I like the Picasso quote, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”
3) Do you have any artistic role models?
Julia Frischmann: I try to keep up with what happens in the art scene through exhibitions, social media and print media. I adore many artists, both dead and alive, but I wouldn’t really call them role models or idols.
4) Do you get angry about criticism?
Julia Frischmann: No, sometimes criticism can be constructive and helpful.
5) What are you proud of?
Julia Frischmann: Being a survivor until I die.
6) Where would you like to be exhibited once in your lifetime?
Julia Frischmann: There are lots of great places I would be thrilled or honoured to exhibit at.

Kohelet 2013 © Julia Frischmann
7) What is your favourite place and your favourite part of town in Nuremberg?
Julia Frischmann: At the moment, I have emotions for vanishing or transforming places and spaces like my former Studio area, “Auf AEG,” Quelle, and Volksbad, including Hemdendienst. I hope some of the creative spirit is staying in town and blooming elsewhere to be discovered.
8) What is your favourite dish?
Julia Frischmann: Cheese is my chocolate, but always eating the same thing is boring.
9) What do you always have at home in the fridge?
Julia Frischmann: Most of the time some veggies, cheese and hot sauce.
10) Who would you definitely not want to sit at a table with?
Julia Frischmann: People who are aggressive, vicious and scheming.
11) What character traits do you appreciate or value in others?
Julia Frischmann: Creative, loyal, straightforward, [with a] positive attitude.
12) How do you relax?
Julia Frischmann: Moving through space with open eyes or sleeping.
13) Where is your next trip going to be?
Julia Frischmann: Polish coastline and Berlin on the way back, finally abroad! Looking forward to leaving tomorrow with a fully vaccinated crew.
14) What dream do you want to fulfil yourself?
Julia Frischmann: To keep on dreaming.
15) Life is too short to …
Julia Frischmann: …regret.
Lydia: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.
Julia Frischmann: My pleasure!

Ohne Amarena Kirsch © Julia Frischmann
Additional info about Julia Frischmann:
Julia Frischmann was born on May 7th, 1985, in Nuremberg. After graduating from higher education college, she studied with Professor Rolf-Gunter Dienst at the “Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg” in the class for free graphics, free painting and object art (2004 – 2008). She spent a semester abroad at the Budapest University of Fine Arts during her studies, attending a painting program with Professor Attila Kovács. In 2008, after returning from Hungary, she continued to study at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg with Professor Heike Baranowsky in the class for fine arts. In 2011, she completed her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg. She currently lives and works in Fürth as a freelance artist and is a member of the ‘Fürther Kulturring C.’ In addition to painting, she also creates installation art and works in artistic team projects. In her view, Fürth is quite a nice city and is an excellent place to dedicate yourself exclusively to art. The focus of most of her paintings is the human being in the urban landscape, and everything is strongly influenced by her own experience. She believes that culture and subculture are the test tube of innovation. For her, art is essential, like food, especially in critical times like the corona pandemic. She believes and fears that the crisis will keep us busy for a while. Nevertheless, she hopes for positive changes in the long term.
Images that speak to us give us impressions from which we can draw. Julia Frischmann uses fewer dark colours. Typical for her are abstract paintings in green and blue in the middle with a summer yellow and orange. In some cases, she also mixes the colours herself with pigments and binders. The vinyl paints are particularly suitable because they dry up nicely and velvety and apply less vividly. About four years ago, Frischmann switched from oil paints to acrylic paints.

Dreieinigkeit © Julia Frischmann
Visual messages from the environment are also very important for the artwork of Julia Frischmann. Sometimes she superimposes different motifs, like a double-exposed photo. Through alienation, she plays with our viewing habits and questions what seems to be taken for granted.
In her pictures, she creates clouds, landscapes, mountains or volcanoes. This can be seen in the following artworks: In the series “Postapocalypse”, “Race”(2019) and “Spring Spring For A Year”(2021).

Spring For A Year © Julia Frischmann
Julia Frischmann: “I create landscapes that echo mountains, volcanoes, water and clouds; landscapes of the soul in which weather and natural phenomena reflect inner feelings. That leaves room for associations and projections. I play with coincidences of the physical properties in paint, giving it space to live and, at the same time, [I] subtly manipulate accidents.” Her artistic work reminds me of the works from Max Liebermann, William Merritt Chase and Albert Kappis.
So far, she has exhibited, among other places at: 2021 ‘Frei Luft Galerie’ an art project des Kulturring C, ‘Gastspiel Fürth’ together with Lara Diehm, 2020 ‘SCHAUfenster c/o Atelier Sohler; 2020, ‘Innerlich reisen’ together with Birgit Maria Götz in der Auferstehungskirche Fürth 2020 ‘Kunst Anschlag’ Nürnberg, 2019 ‘Gastspiel Fürth’ together with Ruben Trawally, 2019 ‘Berchinale 2019’ Arcadia im Schlierfhaus together with Roman Joerg Mayer, Adam Cmiel, Monique Haber, Berching 2019 ‘Kunst Preis der Nürnberger Nachrichten Ausstellung’ im Kunsthaus Nürnberg (group), 2019 ‘Spaces within’ together with Goda Plaum exhibition at the Stadttheater Fürth, 2018 ‘Gastspiel Fürth’ together with Lisa Wieczorek, 2018 ‘das kleine Format’ im Kunsthaus Erlangen (group), 2018 ‘Galerie h2’ Hertrich, Erlangen (group), 2017 ‘Gastspiel Fürth’ with Cyrena Dunbar, 2017 ‘TOTALSCHADEN’ im Borgo Ensemble, Nürnberg (group), 2016 ‘Post Apokalypse’ zu Offen Auf AEG, Galerie 76, Nürnberg (solo), 2016 ‘25 Jubiläumsausstellung,’ Artothek, Künstlerhaus/KunstKulturQuartier, Nürnberg (group), 2015 ‘DIMENSIONHOCHDREI’ project with Ingo Schweiger, St.Klara, Nürnberg, 2015 ‘VOLL BESCHÄFTIGT’ installation with Cyrena Dunbar, Galerie Heute, Nürnberg.
More about: Julia Frischmann
More about: Julia Frischmann
Official website:
FB: Frischmann Julia
Insta: @studiofrischmann